Thursday February 13, 2025

FCCC is operating Delayed Opening care, opening at 9:00am.

All Fauquier County Public Schools and offices will open on a two-hour delay, Thursday, February 13, 2025. Essential personnel should report one hour prior to their specific office opening. FCCC will operate Delayed Opening Care, and are scheduled to open at 9:00am. *Please note change to opening time. Details will be emailed to families as soon as possible, or you can refer to your school year handbook for more detail. You will be notified if any changes occur.

Safe | Empowered | Enriched

Fauquier Community Child Care, Inc. (FCCC) seeks to be the preeminent leader in child care services in Fauquier County. FCCC provides continuous high quality, affordable, accessible, safe child care to meet the out-of-school needs of children being supported in Fauquier County Public Schools within nurturing environments that encourage children to grow, interact and play. FCCC also supports other providers and services to improve child care for all youth and children within child care programs in Fauquier County.
About FCCC

Our Story

FCCC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation established in 1990 with a $10,000 grant received from the Department of Social Services.  With the help of key community partners at the town, county, and state levels, we have expanded to 10 sites throughout Fauquier County. We serve children of all incomes and backgrounds with top-quality care in our school programs and summer camps.
Administrative Office: 26 Ashby St., Warrenton VA 20186

Telephone: 540-347-6970 | Fax: 540-347-3518


Office Hours: M-F: 8:30am – 4:30pm

Our Programs

FCCC serves more than … families throughout Fauquier County with licensed child care, supporting elementary and middle schools with programs which include summer camp for children and pre-teens. Fees are based on a sliding scale according to need.

Safe, quality care located in your child’s school

We believe that every child should have access to quality programs and quality is at the core of licensed child care. Choosing a
licensed program provides an added layer of safety and insures that the staff caring for the children are well trained
professionals. Licensed programs thoroughly vet employees through a combination of background checks, evaluating
qualifications and providing opportunities for continued professional development. All staff members are CPR-First Aid
certified and select staff are certified to administer medication. Licensed programs have unannounced
inspections by the Department of Social Services Division of Licensing. During these visits the inspectors
observe the children engaged in a variety of activities designed to promote social and emotional growth,
build self-esteem and confidence as well as encourage children to learn new skills.

FCCC School Year 2024-2025

  • Enrollment is available to children aged 5 (by 9/30/2024 and starting kindergarten school year 2024-2025) through age 13.
  • Our sites are in the following schools: Bradley, Brumfield, C. Hunter Ritchie, Coleman, Grace Miller, Greenville, H.M. Pearson, M.M. Pierce, Mary Walter, and P.B. Smith.
  • Children that attend Claude Thompson are bussed from/to Coleman for care.
  • Middle schoolers can attend FCCC after school care. Please contact Fauquier County Transportation to make bussing arrangements: 540-422-7240.


C. HUNTER RITCHIE: Before School - at capacity (waiting list); After School - close to capacity
GRACE MILLER: Before School - close to capacity

Enrollees for sites at capacity will be placed on a waiting list in the order that they register.




1/2 Day of School

All sites open at the time of dismissal.



Winter Break Care

Schools are closed.

FCCC is open at Bradley and H.M. Pearson.  Pre-registration and pre-payment required.  Sign-up period: December 2-16.



School & FCCC Holiday

Winter Break Holiday.  All locations closed.



School & FCCC Holiday

New Year’s Day.  All locations closed.



Winter Break Care

Schools are closed.

FCCC is open at Bradley and H.M. Pearson.  Pre-registration and pre-payment required.  Sign-up period: December 2-16.



School & FCCC Holiday

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  All locations closed.



Teacher Work Day Care

Schools are closed.

FCCC is open at Bradley and H.M. Pearson.  Pre-registration and pre-payment required.  Sign-up period: January 21-February 3.



School & FCCC Holiday

Presidents’ Day.  All locations closed.



1/2 Day of School

All sites open at the time of dismissal.

2024-2025 School Year Snack Menu

View or download our snack menu for School Year here here.

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

View our scheduled holiday care days, half days, and FCCC closed holidays:  FCCC 2024-2025 School Year Calendar.

National After School Association HEPA Standards
In 2011 the National AfterSchool Association adopted standards for healthy eating and physical activity (HEPA) in Out-of-School time. You can read more about these standards here.

Snacks served annually


Children Served since 1991


Get In Touch

Administrative Office: 26 Ashby St.,
Warrenton VA 20186

Telephone: 540-347-6970
Fax: 540-347-3518

School Year: Before School: 6:30-8:15am
After School: 3:30-6:30pm
Summer Camp: K-4, Camp Only: 8:30am-3:30pm
Teen, Camp Only: 8:30am-4:00pm
K-4 & Teen, Combined Care: 6:30am-6:30pm
Main Office: 8:30am-4:30pm

Non-Discrimination Policy

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA