Our Programs

Our Programs

FCCC is located in the county’s elementary schools allowing for convenient drop off and pick up.  FCCC opens at 6:30 am and closes at 6:30pm. Care is also offered on Teacher Work Days, school holidays and half days of school.

While at FCCC children are provided with time to complete and receive assistance with homework, play with their friends and engage in activities such as dramatic play, sports and arts and crafts.   FCCC offers morning and afternoon snacks that are in alignment with the National Afterschool Associations Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards. 

Our summer camp program is a fast paced environment. We are committed to providing the children with daily activities that increase physical activity and teach the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices.



Enrollees for the above sites will be placed on a waitlist in the order that they register.

FCCC School Year 2024-2025

  • FCCC provides school-age child care for children age 5 (by 9/30/2024 and starting kindergarten school year 2024-2025) through age 13.
  • Our sites are in the following schools: Bradley, Brumfield, C. Hunter Ritchie, Coleman, Grace Miller, Greenville, H.M. Pearson, M.M. Pierce, Mary Walter, and P.B. Smith.
  • Children that attend Claude Thompson are bussed from/to Coleman for care.
  • Middle schoolers can attend FCCC after school care, please contact Fauquier County Transportation to make bussing arrangements: 540-422-7240.
  • The following form will be required for children being bussed between schools: Transportation Department Additional Bus Assignment Form

How to Enroll

Determine your type of care and fees prior to enrolling online: Tuition Charts

  • For families that have previously enrolled in FCCC using Procare online:

    1. Go to www.myprocare.com and login to your account.
    2. IF YOU NEED TO ADD A CHILD TO YOUR ACCOUNT email the child’s name to jessicapeil@fcccva.org or call 540-347-6970 to have them added.  
    3. Once you log in, under Alerts click View and follow the steps to choose the Re-Registration for 2024-2025 School Year. Review, update, and submit your child’s enrollment.
  • For all other families, click the ‘myprocare register here’ button, below.

After You Submit Your On-line Registration…

  • On-line registration is placed on hold until full payment and mandatory items are received.  See the Mandatory Records section below for a list of required documents. A $60.00 non-refundable registration fee + the first month’s tuition is due, per child, to complete the enrollment process.  Tuition is pro-rated for August.
  • FCCC accepts credit/debit card payments online, or cash, check or money order payments in person; please use black or blue ink only for checks and money orders.  Over-the-phone payments are not an option at this time.  Payments can be made online through your myprocare account, at any FCCC site before or after school, or at our Main Office (8:30am-4:30pm, closed 11:45am-12:30pm daily; 26 Ashby St. Warrenton, VA  20186). *Credit/debit card payments cannot be made in person.
  • FCCC requests a minimum of 72 hours (or 3 business days) to process online registrations. Additional time may be required in the event that additional documentation is needed. 



Enrollees for the above sites will be placed on a waitlist in the order that they register.

2024-2025 School Year Handbook
Mandatory Records
  • 2024-2025 School Year Agreements Form
  • If not already on file: the child’s original birth certificate (for verification purposes only)
  • If not already on file: a physical or well check, no older than 2 years, signed or stamped by physician (NEW ENROLLEES)
  • If not already on file: immunization records, signed or stamped by physician (NEW ENROLLEES).
    • The following School Entrance Health Form can be used for your child’s health records; must be completed by a parent/guardian and the child’s Medical Provider.
    • Health Record Release Form  If you have turned in your health records to your school they can make a copy for us upon completion of this form. Please submit to your school’s main office along with a copy of your driver’s license.

A $60.00 non-refundable registration fee (per child) and fees for the first month enrolled to attend are due to finalize enrollment.

  • Payment Methods: Credit/Debit Card online through your myprocare account; Checks, Cash or Money Orders in person. Checks and money orders must be written in black or blue ink.
  • FCCC does not hold payments or accept post-dated checks.

Use our sliding fee scale to determine your full time monthly tuition amount.

August Pro-Rates Tuition Chart

September-May Monthly Tuition Chart

Fees are calculated for the number of school days in the year and broken down into 9 equal, monthly payments (September-May); fees are the same every month regardless of the number of program days in each month.  August and June tuitions are pro-rated.  Additional fees may be charged for extra care options (half days, delayed openings, inclement weather care, or holiday/teacher work day care) depending on your type of care. 

Fees are not reduced or refunded for non-school days or extended absences due to any circumstances, including holidays and teacher work days, or weather-related events. 

Fees will be pro-rated if starting mid-month.

Payment Arrangements

To set up a payment arrangement please complete and submit the following form:

Payment Arrangement Request Form 

Accounting will review and confirm your request.

FCCC only accepts checks, cash, or money orders payments.

Child Care Assistance

Qualifying for a sliding scale tuition rate (Step 1, Step 2, or Step 3 fees) requires proof of your annual household income and completion of FCCC’s Income Verification Form.  Your annual income includes all wages, child support, social security, etc. You will be charged full fee tuition until required documentation is received and verified.  The two most recent pay stubs for all household wage earners are required for proof of income.

If you have been approved for assistance through the DSS Daycare Assistance Program FCCC will need to see your verification letter from DSS.  To contact the Department of Social Services for assistance call (540) 422-8450.

Medication Consent and Special Diet Forms

If your child requires emergency medications the following forms must be on file along with the prescribed medication:

If your child has food allergies and will need an alternate snack the Special Dietary Prescription Form needs to be completed in its entirety.

Change of Care

To make changes to your enrollment complete and submit the following form:

2024-2025 School Year Change of Care Payment Agreement 

Fees will be pro-rated if changes are made mid-month.

Tax Information

To access your payment history, visit www.myprocare.com (online, not the Procare app).  Once your account is set up you have access to your account balance and payment history, in addition to viewing and printing statements and summary report for your taxes, flex spending accounts, etc.

Tax ID #: 54-1590790

Withdrawing from FCCC

Withdrawal from the program must be received, in writing, a minimum of two weeks prior to the last date of your child’s attendance.

  • Fees are due for the entire withdrawal period and will be pro-rated if your withdrawal carries over into the next month.  
  • Once complete the following form can be turned in at any FCCC site, e-mailed (jessicapeil@fccccva.org), or faxed to the Main Office at (540-347-3518): Withdrawal Form

FCCC Summer Camp 2025

Please check back in the Spring for Summer Camp details.

2024 Summer Camp Handbook

Click on the link to our view our 2024 Summer Camp Handbook.

Camp Calendars
  • For all field trips, please sign children in at least 15 minutes prior to departure times.
  • FCCC does not provide transportation or child care for late arrivals.
  • Dates and activities are subject to change.
  • Activities and field trips may be cancelled or times adjusted due to unsafe weather conditions.

Bradley Summer Camp 

C. Hunter Ritchie Camp Calendar

H.M. Pearson Camp Calendar

Teen Camp


Mandatory Records
  • If not already on file: the child’s original birth certificate (for verification purposes only)
  • If not already on file: a physical or well check, no older than 2 years, signed or stamped by physician (NEW ENROLLEES)
  • If not already on file: immunization records, signed or stamped by physician (NEW ENROLLEES).
    • The following School Entrance Health Form can be used for your child’s health records; Part I is completed by a parent or guardian, Part II and Part III must be completed by the Medical Provider.
  • Health Record Release Form If you have turned in your health records to your school they can make a copy for you upon completion of this form. Please submit to your school’s main office along with a copy of your driver’s license.
  • Summer Camp Agreements Form (Illness Policy, Acknowledgement of Handbook Receipt, Indemnification Agreement)
  • TEEN CAMP – WEEK 8:  Vertical Rock Online Waiver

On-line registration is placed on hold until full payment is received.

  • To secure your registration spot, a $55.00 non-refundable registration fee, per child, is required.
  • Payment for the first week enrolled to attend is due by Friday, May 24, 2024, along with all mandatory items, to finalize enrollment.
  • FCCC accepts credit/debit card payments online, or cash, check or money order payments in-person; please use black or blue ink only for checks and money orders.  Over-the-phone payments are not an option at this time.  Payments can be made online through your myprocare account, at any FCCC site before or after school, or at our Main Office (8:30am-4:30pm, closed 11:45am-12:30pm daily; 26 Ashby St. Warrenton, VA  20186). *Credit/debit card payments cannot be made in-person.
  • FCCC does not hold payments or accept post-dated checks.
  • 2024 Camp Tuition Charts

Please make sure to write your child’s name on your check and what you are paying for on the memo line. 

The following form can be used to set up a payment arrangement:  Request for Payment Arrangement Form

Child Care Assistance

Qualifying for a sliding scale tuition rate (Step 1, Step 2, or Step 3 fees) requires proof of your annual household income and completion of FCCC’s Income Verification Form. Your annual income includes all wages, child support, social security, etc. You will be charged full fee tuition until required documentation is received and verified.  The two most recent pay stubs for all household wage earners are required for proof of income.

If you have been approved for assistance through the Department of Social Services Daycare Assistance Program please notify us with the name of your case worker so we can verify your coverage.  To contact the Department of Social Services for assistance call (540) 422-8450.

Medication Consent and Special Diet Forms

If your child requires emergency medications the following forms must be on file along with the prescribed medication:

If your child has food allergies and will need an alternate snack the USDA Special Diet Form needs to be completed in its entirety for FCCC to remain in compliance with USDA regulations.

Withdrawal, Changes or Cancellations
  • Changes or cancellations from the FCCC Summer Camp program must be made, in writing, before 6:30PM, Friday, May 24, 2024.
  • After the cancellation deadline, accounts will be charged and fees will be due for the number of weeks signed up to attend.

Camp Cancellation Form

  • Complete and submit your cancellation at any FCCC location, including our Main Office, fax (540-347-3518) or e-mail (jessicapeil@fcccva.org).
  • Parents will receive written confirmation of a withdrawal or cancellation.

Snacks served annually


Children Served since 1991


Get In Touch

Administrative Office: 26 Ashby St.,
Warrenton VA 20186

Telephone: 540-347-6970
Fax: 540-347-3518

School Year: Before School: 6:30-8:15am
After School: 3:30-6:30pm
Summer Camp: K-4, Camp Only: 8:30am-3:30pm
Teen, Camp Only: 8:30am-4:00pm
K-4 & Teen, Combined Care: 6:30am-6:30pm
Main Office: 8:30am-4:30pm

Non-Discrimination Policy

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA